( set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" && OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" && ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" && KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" && curl -fsSLO "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/${KREW}.tar.gz" && tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" && ./"${KREW}" install krew )
実行後、指示に従いPATHをセットします。 .bashrc に下記記述を追加します。
export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"
wurly@chromebox3:~$ ( set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" && OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" && ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" && KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" && curl -fsSLO "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/${KREW}.tar.gz" && tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" && ./"${KREW}" install krew ) ++ mktemp -d + cd /tmp/tmp.piZ21XhZwH ++ uname ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' + OS=linux ++ uname -m ++ sed -e s/x86_64/amd64/ -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/' + ARCH=amd64 + KREW=krew-linux_amd64 + curl -fsSLO https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/krew-linux_amd64.tar.gz + tar zxvf krew-linux_amd64.tar.gz ./LICENSE ./krew-linux_amd64 + ./krew-linux_amd64 install krew Adding "default" plugin index from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew-index.git. Updated the local copy of plugin index. Installing plugin: krew Installed plugin: krew \ | Use this plugin: | kubectl krew | Documentation: | https://krew.sigs.k8s.io/ | Caveats: | \ | | krew is now installed! To start using kubectl plugins, you need to add | | krew's installation directory to your PATH: | | | | * macOS/Linux: | | - Add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc: | | export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH" | | - Restart your shell. | | | | * Windows: Add %USERPROFILE%\.krew\bin to your PATH environment variable | | | | To list krew commands and to get help, run: | | $ kubectl krew | | For a full list of available plugins, run: | | $ kubectl krew search | | | | You can find documentation at | | https://krew.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user-guide/quickstart/. | / /
kubectl krew search
“kubectl krew search” の実行結果です。
wurly@chromebox3:~$ k krew search NAME DESCRIPTION INSTALLED (省略) access-matrix Show an RBAC access matrix for server resources no accurate Manage Accurate, a multi-tenancy controller no advise-policy Suggests PodSecurityPolicies and OPA Policies f... no advise-psp Suggests PodSecurityPolicies for cluster. no aks Interact with and debug AKS clusters no allctx Run commands on contexts in your kubeconfig no apparmor-manager Manage AppArmor profiles for cluster. no applier Apply 'go text/template' files on k8s. no armadactl Command line utility to submit many jobs to armada no assert Assert Kubernetes resources no auth-proxy Authentication proxy to a pod or service no autons Automatic namespace detection no aws-auth Manage aws-auth ConfigMap no azad-proxy Generate and handle authentication for azad-kub... no bd-xray Run Black Duck Image Scans no blame Show who edited resource fields. no browse-pvc Browse PVC contents from the command line. no bulk-action Do bulk actions on Kubernetes resources. no ca-cert Print the PEM CA certificate of the current clu... no cache Get or list Kubernetes resources with local cache no capture Triggers a Sysdig capture to troubleshoot the r... no cert-manager Manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster no change-ns View or change the current namespace via kubectl. no cilium Easily interact with Cilium agents. no clog Colorize log outputs. no cluster-group Exec commands across a group of contexts. no clusternet Wrap multiple kubectl calls to Clusternet no cm Provides commands for OCM/MCE/ACM. no cnf Switch between k8s configs within a terminal tab no cnpg Manage your CloudNativePG clusters no colorize-applied Colorize results of apply/dry-run no commander Interactively manage Kubernetes resources no community-images List community owned container images running no cond View resource conditions no conditioner Add, update, or remove conditions on Kubernetes... no config-cleanup Automatically clean up your kubeconfig no config-registry Switch between registered kubeconfigs no confirm Dry-run / diff / confirm before running a command no cost View cluster cost information no count Count resources by kind no cpbase64 Alternative to 'cp' using base64 instead of tar no crane Easily interact with Crane no creyaml Generate custom resource YAML manifest no ctr List all containers in a pod quickly no ctx Switch between contexts in your kubeconfig no custom-cols A "kubectl get" replacement with customizable c... no cyclonus NetworkPolicy analysis tool suite no datadog Manage the Datadog Operator no datree Scan your cluster resources for misconfigurations no dds Detect if workloads are mounting the docker socket no debug-pdb Debug Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB) no debug-shell Create pod with interactive kube-shell. no deprecations Checks for deprecated objects in a cluster no df-pv Show disk usage (like unix df) for persistent v... no directpv Deploys and manages the lifecycle of DirectPV C... no discover Find/export kubeconfigs for cloud clusters no doctor Scans your cluster and reports anomalies. no duck List custom resources with ducktype support no dumpy Performs tcpdump captures on containers no dup Duplicate existing Kubernetes resources no duplicate Duplicate Pods in a Kubernetes cluster. no edit-status Edit /status subresources of CRs no eds Easily interact and manage ExtendedDaemonset re... no eksporter Export resources and removes a pre-defined set ... no emit-event Emit Kubernetes Events for the requested object no evict-pod Evicts the given pod no example Prints out example manifest YAMLs no exec-as Like kubectl exec, but offers a `user` flag to ... no exec-cronjob Run a CronJob immediately as Job no execws kubectl exec using WebSockets no explore A better kubectl explain with the fuzzy finder no fields Grep resources hierarchy by field name no flame Generate CPU flame graphs from pods no fleet Shows config and resources of a fleet of clusters no flyte Monitor, launch and manage flyte executions no foreach Run kubectl commands against some/all contexts ... no fuzzy Fuzzy and partial string search for kubectl no gadget Gadgets for debugging and introspecting apps no get-all Like `kubectl get all` but _really_ everything no gke-credentials Fetch credentials for GKE clusters no gke-policy Validates GKE clusters configuration no gopass Imports secrets from gopass no graph Visualize Kubernetes resources and relationships. no grep Filter Kubernetes resources by matching their n... no gs Handle custom resources with Giant Swarm no history List & diff revisions of workload resources no hlf Deploy and manage Hyperledger Fabric components no hns Manage hierarchical namespaces (part of HNC) no htpasswd Create nginx-ingress compatible basic-auth secrets no http Make HTTP requests with kubeconfig credentials no ice View configuration settings of containers insid... no iexec Interactive selection tool for `kubectl exec` no images Show container images used in the cluster. no ingress-nginx Interact with ingress-nginx no ingress-rule Update Ingress rules via command line no insider Access cluster network through WireGuard no ipick A kubectl wrapper for interactive resource sele... no istiolog Manipulate istio-proxy logging level without is... no janitor Lists objects in a problematic state no kadalu Manage Kadalu Operator, CSI and Storage pods no karbon Connect to Nutanix Karbon cluster no karmada Manage clusters with Karmada federation. no kc Interactive CRUD operations to manage kubeconfig no klock Watches resources no kluster-capacity Scheduler simulation for capacity analysis. no knife Run commands on multiple pods concurrently no kollama Interact with the Ollama Operator no konfig Merge, split or import kubeconfig files no kopilot Diagnose/audit resources with AI no kor Kor is a tool to discover unused K8s resources. no krew Package manager for kubectl plugins. yes kruise Easily handle OpenKruise workloads no ks Simple management of KubeSphere components no ktop A top tool to display workload metrics no kubescape Scan resources and cluster configs against secu... no kubesec-scan Scan Kubernetes resources with kubesec.io. no kudo Declaratively build, install, and run operators... no kuota-calc Calculate needed quota to perform rolling updates. no kurt Find what's restarting and why no kuttl Declaratively run and test operators no kyverno Kyverno is a policy engine for kubernetes no lineage Display all dependent resources or resource dep... no linstor View and manage LINSTOR storage resources no liqo Install and manage Liqo on your clusters no lock A client-side lock for kubernetes contexts to p... no log2rbac Fine-tune your RBAC using log2rbac operator no mapr-ticket Get information about deployed MapR tickets no marvin Scan clusters with your own checks written in CEL. no match-name Match names of pods and other API objects no mayastor Provides commands for OpenEBS Mayastor. no mc Run kubectl commands against multiple clusters ... no mexec Execute on multiple pods in parallel no minio Deploy and manage MinIO Operator and Tenant(s) no moco Interact with MySQL operator MOCO. no modify-secret modify secret with implicit base64 translations no mtail Tail logs from multiple pods matching label sel... no multiforward Port Forward to multiple Kubernetes Services no multinet Shows pods' network-status of multi-net-spec no neat Remove clutter from Kubernetes manifests to mak... no net-forward Proxy to arbitrary TCP services on a cluster ne... no netobserv Lightweight Flow and Packet visualization tool no netscaler Inspect NetScaler Ingresses no nginx-supportpkg Collect support packages for NGINX products tha... no node-admin List nodes and run privileged pod with chroot no node-logs View and filter node service logs no node-restart Restart cluster nodes sequentially and gracefully no node-shell Spawn a root shell on a node via kubectl no node-ssm start aws ssm session to SSM managed EKS node no nodegizmo A CLI utility for your kubernetes nodes no nodepools List node pools/groups no np-viewer Network Policies rules viewer no ns Switch between Kubernetes namespaces no nsenter Run shell command in Pod's namespace on the nod... no oidc-login Log in to the OpenID Connect provider no oomd Show recently OOMKilled pods no open-svc Open the Kubernetes URL(s) for the specified se... no openebs View and debug OpenEBS storage resources no operator Manage operators with Operator Lifecycle Manager no oulogin Login to a cluster via OpenUnison no outdated Finds outdated container images running in a cl... no passman Store kubeconfig credentials in keychains or pa... no permissions Displays and traces service account permissions no pexec Execute process with privileges in a pod no plogs Retrieve and stream colorized logs from Pods. no pod-dive Shows a pod's workload tree and info inside a node no pod-inspect Get all of a pod's details at a glance no pod-lens Show pod-related resources no pod-logs Display a list of pods to get logs from no pod-shell Display a list of pods to execute a shell in no podevents Show events for pods no pods-on List Pods by Node names/selectors no popeye Scans your clusters for potential resource issues no portal An HTTP proxy for connecting to stuff inside yo... no preflight Executes application preflight tests in a cluster no print-env Build config files from k8s environments. no profefe Gather and manage pprof profiles from running pods no promdump Dumps the head and persistent blocks of Prometh... no prompt Prompts for user confirmation when executing co... no prune-unused Prune unused resources no psp-util Manage Pod Security Policy(PSP) and the related... no pv-migrate Migrate data across persistent volumes no pv-mounter Mount PVC locally using SSHFS no pvmigrate Migrates PVs between StorageClasses no rabbitmq Manage RabbitMQ clusters no rbac-lookup Reverse lookup for RBAC no rbac-tool Plugin to analyze RBAC permissions and generate... no rbac-view A tool to visualize your RBAC permissions. no realname-diff Diffs live and local resources ignoring Kustomi... no reap Delete unused Kubernetes resources. no relay Drop-in "port-forward" replacement with UDP and... no reliably Surfaces reliability issues in Kubernetes no rename-pvc Rename a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) no resource-capacity Provides an overview of resource requests, limi... no resource-snapshot Prints a snapshot of nodes, pods and HPAs resou... no resource-versions Print supported API resource versions no restart Restarts a pod with the given name no retina Distributed network captures and telemetry no reverse-proxy Start reverse proxy for the Service Pods. no revisions Time-travel through your workload revision history no rm-standalone-pods Remove all pods without owner references no rolesum Summarize RBAC roles for subjects no roll Rolling restart of all persistent pods in a nam... no rook-ceph Rook plugin for Ceph management no safe Prompts before running edit commands no schemahero Declarative database schema migrations via YAML no score Kubernetes static code analysis. no secretdata Viewing decoded Secret data with search flags no service-tree Status for ingresses, services, and their backends no shell-ctx Shell independent context switching no shovel Gather diagnostics for .NET Core applications no sick-pods Find and debug Pods that are "Not Ready" no skew Find if your cluster/kubectl version is skewed no slice Split a multi-YAML file into individual files. no snap Delete half of the pods in a namespace or cluster no sniff Start a remote packet capture on pods using tcp... no socks5-proxy SOCKS5 proxy to Services or Pods in the cluster no sort-manifests Sort manifest files in a proper order by Kind no split-yaml Split YAML output into one file per resource. no spy pod debugging tool for kubernetes clusters with... no sql Query the cluster via pseudo-SQL no ssh-jump Access nodes or services using SSH jump Pod no sshd Run SSH server in a Pod no ssm-secret Import/export secrets from/to AWS SSM param store no starboard Toolkit for finding risks in kubernetes resources no status Show status details of a given resource. no stern Multi pod and container log tailing no strace Capture strace logs from a running workload no subm Manages Submariner and its services no sudo Run Kubernetes commands impersonated as group s... no support-bundle Creates support bundles for off-cluster analysis no switch-config Switches between kubeconfig files no tail Stream logs from multiple pods and containers u... no tap Interactively proxy Kubernetes Services with ease no tmux-exec An exec multiplexer using Tmux no topology Explore region topology for nodes or pods no trace Trace Kubernetes pods and nodes with system tools no track Tracking the changes between resource versions no tree Show a tree of object hierarchies through owner... no ttsum Visualize taints and tolerations no tunnel Reverse tunneling between cluster and your machine no unlimited Show running containers with no limits set no unused-volumes List unused PVCs no validate Validation of resources for native Kubernetes t... no vela Easily interact with KubeVela no view-allocations List allocations per resources, nodes, pods. no view-cert View certificate information stored in secrets no view-quotas List resource quotas in colors no view-secret Decode Kubernetes secrets no view-serviceaccount-kubeconfig Show a kubeconfig setting to access the apiserv... no view-utilization Shows cluster cpu and memory utilization no view-webhook Visualize your webhook configurations no viewnode Displays nodes with their pods and containers a... no virt Control KubeVirt virtual machines using virtctl no volsync Manage replication with the VolSync operator no vpa-recommendation Compare VPA recommendations to actual resources... no warp Sync and execute local files in Pod no whisper-secret Create secrets with improved privacy no who-can Shows who has RBAC permissions to access Kubern... no whoami Show the subject that's currently authenticated... no windows-debug Windows node access via kubectl no
rook-ceph プラグインのインストール
今回の目的の rook-ceph をインストールします。
wurly@chromebox3:~$ kubectl krew install rook-ceph Updated the local copy of plugin index. Installing plugin: rook-ceph Installed plugin: rook-ceph \ | Use this plugin: | kubectl rook-ceph | Documentation: | https://github.com/rook/kubectl-rook-ceph / WARNING: You installed plugin "rook-ceph" from the krew-index plugin repository. These plugins are not audited for security by the Krew maintainers. Run them at your own risk.