ここでは、bitnami の helmチャートを使用して、postgresqlをデプロイします。
Storage を使用しますので、default の StorageClass が存在することを確認します。
$ k get sc
ceph-block (default) rook-ceph.rbd.csi.ceph.com Delete Immediate true 12d
ceph-bucket rook-ceph.ceph.rook.io/bucket Delete Immediate false 12d
ceph-filesystem rook-ceph.cephfs.csi.ceph.com Delete Immediate true 12d
$ helm repo list NAME URL metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
"bitnami" has been added to your repositories
3:~$ helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "metallb" chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
2024.7.20現在、(postgresqlとしての)最新は 16.3.0
$ helm search repo bitnami/postgresql --versions NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION bitnami/postgresql 15.5.17 16.3.0 PostgreSQL (Postgres) is an open source object-... bitnami/postgresql 15.5.16 16.3.0 PostgreSQL (Postgres) is an open source object-... bitnami/postgresql 15.5.15 16.3.0 PostgreSQL (Postgres) is an open source object-... . . .
$ helm search repo bitnami/postgresql-ha --versions NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION bitnami/postgresql-ha 14.2.12 16.3.0 This PostgreSQL cluster solution includes the P... bitnami/postgresql-ha 14.2.11 16.3.0 This PostgreSQL cluster solution includes the P... bitnami/postgresql-ha 14.2.10 16.3.0 This PostgreSQL cluster solution includes the P... . . .
helm show values bitnami/postgresql --version 15.5.17 > values.yaml
$ helm install my-postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 15.5.17 --namespace postgresql --create-namespace --set global.defaultStorageClass=ceph-block
$ helm install my-postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 15.5.17 --namespace postgresql --create-namespace --set global.defaultStorageClass=ceph-block NAME: my-postgresql LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Jul 20 16:20:58 2024 NAMESPACE: postgresql STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: CHART NAME: postgresql CHART VERSION: 15.5.17 APP VERSION: 16.3.0 \** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** PostgreSQL can be accessed via port 5432 on the following DNS names from within your cluster: my-postgresql.postgresql.svc.cluster.local - Read/Write connection To get the password for "postgres" run: export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace postgresql my-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d) To connect to your database run the following command: kubectl run my-postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace postgresql --image docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:16.3.0-debian-12-r19 --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \ --command -- psql --host my-postgresql -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432 > NOTE: If you access the container using bash, make sure that you execute "/opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/entrypoint.sh /bin/bash" in order to avoid the error "psql: local user with ID 1001} does not exist" To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands: kubectl port-forward --namespace postgresql svc/my-postgresql 5432:5432 & PGPASSWORD="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" psql --host -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432 WARNING: The configured password will be ignored on new installation in case when previous PostgreSQL release was deleted through the helm command. In that case, old PVC will have an old password, and setting it through helm won't take effect. Deleting persistent volumes (PVs) will solve the issue. WARNING: There are "resources" sections in the chart not set. Using "resourcesPreset" is not recommended for production. For production installations, please set the following values according to your workload needs: - primary.resources - readReplicas.resources +info https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
後で確かめましたが、ceph-block StorageClass の default として設定されていますので、明示的に指定しなくても helm install できました。
$ helm install my-postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 15.5.17 --namespace postgresql --create-namespace
$ kubens postgresql Context "kubernetes-admin@kubernetes" modified. Active namespace is "postgresql".
$ k get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 49s
$ k get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE my-postgresql ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 55s my-postgresql-hl ClusterIP None <none> 5432/TCP 55s
$ k get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS VOLUMEATTRIBUTESCLASS AGE data-my-postgresql-0 Bound pvc-33d8cd14-fcad-4dc0-b1c7-590b884c2b73 8Gi RWO ceph-block <unset> 65s
$ k get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS VOLUMEATTRIBUTESCLASS REASON AGE pvc-33d8cd14-fcad-4dc0-b1c7-590b884c2b73 8Gi RWO Delete Bound postgresql/data-my-postgresql-0 ceph-block <unset> 66s
$ k get deployment
No resources found in postgresql namespace.
$ k get statefulsets NAME READY AGE my-postgresql 1/1 89s
$ helm get values my-postgresql USER-SUPPLIED VALUES: global: defaultStorageClass: ceph-block
$ sudo apt install postgresql-client postgresql-client-common
$ kubectl port-forward svc/my-postgresql 5432:5432
$ kubectl get secret --namespace postgresql my-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d
$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W
$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W Password: psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 16.3) WARNING: psql major version 14, server major version 16. Some psql features might not work. Type "help" for help. postgres=# \d Did not find any relations.
$ helm uninstall my-postgresql $ kubectl delete namespace postgresql