Generate production ready source code from UML state diagrams – and activity diagrams! [SinelaboreRT
Generate production ready source code from UML state diagrams [SinelaboreRT]
Code generator to build modern and robust event-driven embedded real-time systems based on hierarchical state machines created with UML tools like Enterprise Ar...
2022/12/10 Rust Code の生成にも対応したとのことです。
Automatic Light Controller [SinelaboreRT]
Automatic Light Controller [SinelaboreRT]
D:\home\wurly\project_rt\automatic_light>"C:\Program Files\Sinelabore\Sinelabore.exe" automatic_light.xml
Graphviz が必要で、codegen.cfg にパスを設定したのですが、
DotPath="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe"
DotPathWin="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe"
jsonファイルが見つからないというのと、設定しているにも関わらず dot.exe のパスが見つからないらしく、上手く動作しませんでした。
Can't find the License.txt file or invalid file. Codegen is running in demo mode Expected license file location: /C:/Program Files/Sinelabore/app/License.txt Starting robustness tests of state machine ... State names: .............. Machine hierarchy: ........ Machine height = 2 Transitions: .............. Default states: ........... Final states: ............. Choices: .................. No. of children in composites: ... Connectivity of states: ... M1032: State AutoMode is not reachable -> check your design. Error - can't read json file C:\Users\wurly\AppData\Local\Temp\graph_14019748127469633685.png.json C:\Users\wurly\AppData\Local\Temp\graph_14019748127469633685.png.json (指定されたファイルが見つかりません。) M1: Graphviz not found -> check the DotPath in codegen config file. DotPath is currently set to "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe" On Windows the path should be similar to e.g. DotPath="C:\\Program Files\\Graphviz\\bin\\dot.exe" Open UdpMulticastServer on port 4445 and address Error - can't read json file C:\Users\wurly\AppData\Local\Temp\graph_16234902773050906746.png.json C:\Users\wurly\AppData\Local\Temp\graph_16234902773050906746.png.json (指定されたファイルが見つかりません。) M1: Graphviz not found -> check the DotPath in codegen config file. DotPath is currently set to "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe" On Windows the path should be similar to e.g. DotPath="C:\\Program Files\\Graphviz\\bin\\dot.exe"